Sana Dental understands that for many individuals, going to the dentist can be frightening. It can even prevent some patients from visiting a dentist altogether. At Sana Dental, we are committed to ensuring that all patients feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible during their appointments. That is why we are pleased to offer sedation dentistry options to help our patients feel calm and relaxed, without anxiety, during their treatment. If you experience dental phobia, let Sana Dental help you receive the treatment you require.
Your Edmonton Choice for Sedation Dentistry!

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry offers anxious patients successful options to help keep them calm and relaxed during their dental visit. Using sedatives during dental procedures, taking care of your oral health does not need to be painful or stressful. Sedation dentistry is an effective and safe way to provide relaxation, comfort, and an amnesiac effect during any kind of dental procedure. For those with very severe dental anxiety, sedation dentistry can be the difference between receiving dental care and avoiding it altogether.
Oral Sedation

Oral Sedation provides light to moderate sedation for anxious patients. Administered by taking one or two prescribed sedative medication pills before an appointment or procedure, it helps anxious patients relax. The medication is strong enough to make you feel sleepy and therefore more relaxed, which helps to alleviate any stress or anxiety associated with visiting the dentist. Patients remain conscious enough throughout the procedure to follow instructions. There are a variety of different medications that can be used, and it will be up to your dentist to decide which one is best for you, based on your medical history and particular situation.


NuCalm is a safe system of sedation that effectively and quickly relaxes you, without the use of narcotics or controlled substances. It naturally brings your body to the first stage of sleep; you will feel just like you do as you are about to fall asleep, and you will feel this way for the entire duration of your appointment. It takes approximately 3 minutes to administer, and takes effect in 3-5 minutes. You will feel similar to how you feel as you lie down to sleep. Your mind may initially be active and thinking about your day but you will slowly begin to relax and feel gravity pulling you deeper into your chair. You may have strange daydreams, or experience some body twitching where you have built up any lactic acids. You will begin deep breathing and remain relaxed throughout the experience. You will be conscious throughout, and able to respond to commands, but you will not experience any anxiety about what is going on around you, and you will be unaware of space and time. You will feel like you are about to go to sleep, or like you are in deep meditation, and so you will not be focused on or aware of the fact that you are in a dental chair or that you are receiving any dental treatment. The process is as follows:
- Microcurrent stimulation patches are placed behind each ear, which research has shown helps facilitate the relaxation response.
- Noise-dampening headphones are used to deliver neuroacoustic software, layered with soothing music to bring your brain wave pace to the pre-sleep stage.
- A light-blocking eye mask is used to negate any visual stimuli and help maintain the NuCalm relaxation state.
Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

- Safe and effective: Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective way to provide comfort, relaxation and an amnesia effect during your dental appointment. You will not be unconscious, but will merely be in a relaxed state.
- Pain-free: Sedation dentistry is pain-free. You will feel no pain during your appointment.
- Complex dental treatments can be performed in just one visit