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Children’s Epigenetic Orthodontics

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Your Edmonton Choice for Children’s Epigenetic Orthodontics

Edmonton Traditional Braces | Sana Dental | General & Family Dentist | North Edmonton

If you are looking for a non-surgical way to straighten teeth, have a more proportional face, or even breath better, epigenetic orthodontics might be right for you! Sana Dental is pleased to offer this revolutionary field of dentistry that can naturally change the location of teeth, jaws, or airways by using proper environmental function in the oral/nasal region to stimulate our genes to their programmed optimal position. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Edmonton Traditional Braces | Sana Dental | General & Family Dentist | North Edmonton
Children's Epigenetic Orthodontics | Sana Dental | General & Family Dentist | North Edmonton

What is Children’s Epigenetic Orthodontics?

Children's Epigenetic Orthodontics | Sana Dental | General & Family Dentist | North Edmonton

Epigenetic orthodontics treats the whole face, not just the teeth. It uses epigenetic science to trigger jaw development and remodeling in order to overcome deficient growth patterns that exist. Children have growth centers in the face and jaws that are active and available for stimulation. The orthodontic effect of harnessing growth can produce the most beneficial results. This is why Dr. Pavlenko would prefer to evaluate children around the ages of five to six-year-old. If unwanted or deficient growth tendencies are discovered, growth guidance orthodontics can be used to correct the trajectory of growth. Using a comfortable appliance that stimulates an area on the palate, this causes the entire midface including the upper jaw to remodel. The appliance stimulates growth for children. This will then have dramatic benefits on the face and airways. If treatment is deferred until all the adult teeth have erupted, facial growth potential is greatly reduced. It is important to note that remodeling of the jaws is something that can be done at any age, but for the most ideal result, harnessing growth and remodeling before puberty is best.

The Removable Anterior Growth Guidance Appliance is used to help develop the Naso-facial area and upright the lower jaw ramus through remodeling. It also helps to develop the upper jaw three dimensionally, creates a positive effect on the airway and much more. The appliance itself is made of acrylic and metal clasps which fit comfortably in the roof of the mouth. There are small screws built into the appliance that would be turned over a period of time to activate the appliance.

Case 1

Children's Epigenetic Orthodontics | Sana Dental | General & Family Dentist | North Edmonton
Children's Epigenetic Orthodontics | Sana Dental | General & Family Dentist | North Edmonton

In just 8 months with growth guidance, you can see how this young girl’s entire face has developed forward. Before treatment started, you can see how the lower jaw is smaller and more positioned back, which can also result in restrictions to the airways. The right view shows how the face is now developed forward and more proportioned and is back on a preferred pattern of growth. You can also see how it has improved the dimension of the airways following treatment. Dr. Pavlenko believes early intervention is important and that growth appliances are truly important in assisting with children’s growth patterns at a younger age. Waiting until all the permanent teeth erupt will miss most of the facial growth potential and could pose potential health risks.

Children's Epigenetic Orthodontics | Sana Dental | General & Family Dentist | North Edmonton
Children's Epigenetic Orthodontics | Sana Dental | General & Family Dentist | North Edmonton

Case 2

Children's Epigenetic Orthodontics | Sana Dental | General & Family Dentist | North Edmonton

Here is another example of how after just 8 months of treatment with the growth guidance, this young boy’s upper jaw has developed into a better relationship with the lower jaw. Before treatment you can see the upper teeth sit behind his lower, when it should be the other way around, with the lower teeth being behind the upper teeth. Early intervention was able to encourage growth of the upper jaw and create a better skeletal relationship. This would also prevent the need for more complex remodeling of the maxilla at an adult age.

Children's Epigenetic Orthodontics | Sana Dental | General & Family Dentist | North Edmonton
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Call us at (780) 476-3391 to set up your Children’s Epigenetic Orthodontics appointment today!

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